Structure & Work Packages
SUNSpACe is implemented through five (5) Work Packages (WP) and over a period of 36 months.

WP1: Learning material and program design
This work package will make clear understanding of “SMART Farm” meaning and draw the Gap between “traditional Farm model” and the “Innovative Smart Farm Model” and its adoption, within EU and Asia than.
The WP1 will developing an appropriate adaptive learning approach for smart farmers and design four training program.

WP2: Implementation and Assessment Framework through pilots
This work package will focus on the implementation and assessment of smart framing framework in partner countries. The work package is organised in six cohesive tasks each associated with a specific deliverable relevant to partner countries and to the whole consortium as well. The rationale is, each partner country will gain smart framing experience in a particular context, and in the later stage of the project, a cross pilot is set-up to share the smart farming best practices in the partner and neighbouring countries.
The WP2 will set-up a Smart Farm-Lab as “Center of Excellence in Smart Farming” to strength and sustain a link between HEis and farmer in Asian countries and, implementing “Cascade Training Program” to train “Farmer leader” and “Farmer Leader” trains farmers.