November 2022
KEC & AEC, Kathmandu, Nepal
14-15 Nov. 2022 - Cross pilots workshop,
KEC & AEC, Kathmandu, Nepal
16 - 20 Nov. 2022 - Internal audit to RUB Smart Farm Lab and deliverables
RUB, Bhutan
29 Nov. 2022 - “Journée Ambition Europe : recherche et innovation”
Lyon and online
December 2022
SKIMA'14 Conference, University, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
7th Dec. 2022 - Sustainable Smart Farming Workshop
Bamboo Whisper Garden, Bangkok, Thailand
6th - 9th 2022 - Closing deliverables meeting
Bangkok, Thailand
January 2023
9-13 January 2023 - Last PMB meeting
University of the West of Scotland, Glasgow, UK
Previous events
- News
- Events
- Meetings
- Teaching and Learning
Training of Farmers (3rd Phase), Nepal. November 10-13, 2022
Chiang Mai University hosted its 2nd National Conference on the 10th of September 2022, while also promoting the SUNSpACe "Sustainable Smart Agriculture Capacity Building" Topic "Future Smart Farming with Data Analytics and UAV Technology." Assoc. Prof. Aicha Sekhari, Prof. Keshav Dahal, Assoc. Prof. Zoltan Szabo, Assoc. Prof. Pradorn Sureephong, and Paweena Suebsombut Ph. D spoke about the project overview, project activity, what people can use from the project, and the project's sustainability and collaboration. The conference was a resounding success.
Conference in Thailand. September 10th, 2022
Chiang Mai University hosted its 2nd National Conference on the 10th of September 2022, while also promoting the SUNSpACe "Sustainable Smart Agriculture Capacity Building" Topic "Future Smart Farming with Data Analytics and UAV Technology." Assoc. Prof. Aicha Sekhari, Prof. Keshav Dahal, Assoc. Prof. Zoltan Szabo, Assoc. Prof. Pradorn Sureephong, and Paweena Suebsombut Ph. D spoke about the project overview, project activity, what people can use from the project, and the project's sustainability and collaboration. The conference was a resounding success.

Farm visit in Thailand 2022
During two weeks the European partners visit their Thai counterparts to discuss the final preparations for the final project report, and to visit the pilots implemented as a result of the work carried out during the life of the project.

KKU Training program for Farm Managers
The SUNSpACe consortium is pleased to announce a training session for farm managers organized by the Khon Kaen University.

AEC - KEC | Training the Trainers
AEC and KEC aims to train 20 Smart Farmers; 12 technicians, researchers and academicians; and 80 farmers from the experts within the SUNSpACe consortium to help them and others install and implement smart farming practices in Nepal.

Erasmus+ CBHE Virtual Fair 2021
The Capacity Building in Higher Education (CBHE) Virtual Fair is an online event aiming to raise awareness on how results of CBHE projects can improve the Higher Education sector in the Partner countries.

COP26 Seminar: SUNSpaCe - a new collaboration for Sustainable development of Smart Agriculture Capacity
This webinar is going to focus on the research and development work carried out under the SUNSpaCe project. The project has developed four different smart lab pilots in Asian countries using IoTs/sensors and ICT for automatic data management processes, including data gathering, data processing and data analysis tasks in agricultural production systems. The training process and results obtained from the recently conducted training sessions to teach smart organic farming to Thai farmers at Chiang Mai will be demonstrated.

Smart Farm Academy: Train the farmers
Smart Farmer virtual training series: Module 1: Farm Management Topic 2: Farm Zoning All participants, who joined all 3 activities (Seminar, Virtual field trip, and Workshop), will receive the certificate of this training topic.
KKU Train of the Trainers
Training of Knowledge and technical skills in smart farming to develop their own farming and disseminate to others.

Free Webinar -Sustainable & Smart Agriculture
The SUNSpACe consortium is pleased to announce another FREE webinar organized by the Khon Kaen University

Training of Trainers on Smart farming in Thailand
The SUNSpACe consortium is pleased to announce a training session for farmers organized by the Chiang Mai University.

Training of Trainers on Smart farming in Bhutan
This training is organized for five days from 3 to 7 May at the College of Natural Resources, Royal University of Bhutan. The participants are the agriculture faculty, researchers from two Agriculture Development Centre at Yusipang, Thimphu and Bajo, Wangduephodrang respectively. Agriculture Extension agents from Punakha and Wangduephodrang Districts will be engaged in the training. Extensions are the field staff of Department of Agriculture, Ministry of Agriculture and Forest working closely with the farmers in their respective gewogs (blocks).

Plenary Meeting in Budapest
Maintaining the development of the project activities, the consortium is pleased to inform you that the fourth plenary meeting of the SUNSpACe project will be held soon (previously postponed due to the current pandemic situation). This meeting will be organized by our partners in the university of Corvinus, Budapest from March 31 to April 2, 2021. On this occasion, our team members will meet virtually to continue reviewing the progress of the project in all its phases (project implementation, quality control, certification of training programs, etc.) as well as to planning upcoming activities. For more news and updates, don't forget to come back to our website and follow us on our social channels (Facebook, YouTube). We continue to work in a dedicated way to support our farming community!

Webinar Recording: virtual farm visit in Chiang Mai, Thailand (Ginger Farm)
If you missed the chance to participate in the last SUN SpACe Webinar held last March 12th 2021, you can now see the full recording online.

Free Webinar: virtual farm visit in Chiang Mai
We are pleased to invite you to the FREE webinar that will take place next Friday, March 12, 2021, where you will have the opportunity to join us on a virtual visit to organic and ginger farms located in Chang Mai.

#ErasmusDays 2020 - conference recording
If you missed the chance to participate in the last SUN SpACe conference held last October 15th 2020 during the #ErasmusDays event, you can now see the full recording online.

#ErasmusDays 2020
The SUNSpACe project takes advantage of #ErasmusDays 2020 to organize an online conference to introduce the objectives, outputs and impacts of the project in Smart farming.

SUNSpACe E-learning Platform launch
The SUNSpACe consortium is happy to announce the launch of its new E-learning platform where farmers and enthusiasts will be able to learn the general theories and sensors in smart farms.

Academic Cooperation Signing Ceremony program
The academic cooperation signing ceremony program between KKBS and the faculty of Agriculture, Khon Kaen Universiti, Thailand takes place On Friday 11 September, 2020 in order to officially implement the pilot of the sunspace. This pilot is one out of 4 pilots planned within the scope of Sunspace Project. The related news can be viewed through following link.

SUNSpACe Kick-off Meeting
We are pleased to inform you that the project SUNSpACe has officially been launched from February 25 to March 01, 2019, in Chiang Mai, Thailand. The main 4 objectives of this project: to train farmers in Asian Partner countries; to target groups in the country Alliances in Asia with cooperation from European Union universities; to promote knowledge management systems for adding value to product production Cost control Risk management; to use technologies to develop farmers, so they become Smart Farmers; and to use Smart Technologies to promote sustainable agriculture. The project will have a duration of 3 years from January 2019 to December 2022.