D1.1 | Literature review on the Smart Farm Vision in EU and Asia

D1.2 I dentify the skill priorities and the requirement of smart farm

D1.3 | ICT enabled precision agricultureent of smart farm

D1.4 | An appropriate adaptative learning approach for smart farmers 

D2.1 | Smart farming labs Architecture

D2.2 | Organic Pilot

D2.3 |  | Quality Pilot

D2.4| Working Condition Pilot

D2.5|  | Cross Pilot

D3.1 | Investigation of  the Qualification of Smart Farm Trainer

D3.2 | Make the training programme eligible

D3.3 | Measure Training Effectiveness with Kirkpatrick Model 

D3.4 | Sustain the “Training Smart Farm” 

D4.1 | Strategic plan for diffusion & dissemination 

D4.2 | Project Website

D4.3 | Report of scientific publications  

D5.1 | SUNSpaCe Quality Plan and Project Handbook

D5.2 | Final Report

D5.3 | Project Periodic Report